Speak To A Live UK Psychic Today!
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Psychics Live!
2005-10-01 19:52:00 UTC
Our gifted Psychics are available 24 hours a day. Discover what the future
holds or have an important question answered. Call 09066 611 759 now!
(£1.50 per minute, 18+ only, calls recorded, Freetime 0871 2316062).
2005-10-22 17:05:07 UTC
Post by Psychics Live!
Our gifted Psychics are available 24 hours a day. Discover what the future
holds or have an important question answered. Call 09066 611 759 now!
(£1.50 per minute, 18+ only, calls recorded, Freetime 0871 2316062).
I did not repsond earlier because being psychic, you already knew I
would not let you leech my money via your premium telelphone rip-off number.
Gianna Stefani