I think I went 'mad' a couple of years ago......
(too old to reply)
Mad Mac
2005-02-14 17:46:46 UTC
but all the people I know seem to think I'm perfectly sane.....

I wonder how I could find out.....

(I mean, they could be lying to me, right ?)

Not that I particularly care much......

but it would be 'nice' to know......

I mean, it would make it easier to spot the 'good guys' right ?


I'm probably not completely sane !
Gianna Stefani
2005-02-14 18:05:25 UTC
Post by Mad Mac
but all the people I know seem to think I'm perfectly sane.....
I wonder how I could find out.....
(I mean, they could be lying to me, right ?)
Not that I particularly care much......
but it would be 'nice' to know......
I mean, it would make it easier to spot the 'good guys' right ?
May I join in this thread too ?

Sanity is defined as 'conforming to the norms of the society to which
one belongs'.
On the basis of that definition and your presence in this group ... you
are correct in assuming that you are insane (-:

Given the track record of sane people (wars etc.) sanity is not
something to which any right-thinking person would want to aspire.

It is apparent therefore that the insane are right-thinking and
'normals' are 'wrong-thinking'.
The lunatics (the normals) have indeed taken over the asylum.

It is claimed that there is a fine line between genius and insanity, but
you will notice the existence of such a line is only claimed by those
who are neither genius nor insane.

At least these days 'we' mostly do not get locked up ... all praise
'care in the community' ... I am in the community and neither I, nor the
community, cares. Result!
Gianna Stefani
Mad Mac
2005-02-14 18:21:59 UTC
Post by Gianna Stefani
Post by Mad Mac
but all the people I know seem to think I'm perfectly sane.....
I wonder how I could find out.....
(I mean, they could be lying to me, right ?)
Not that I particularly care much......
but it would be 'nice' to know......
I mean, it would make it easier to spot the 'good guys' right ?
May I join in this thread too ?
Sanity is defined as 'conforming to the norms of the society to which
one belongs'.
On the basis of that definition and your presence in this group ... you
Given the track record of sane people (wars etc.) sanity is not
something to which any right-thinking person would want to aspire.
It is apparent therefore that the insane are right-thinking and
'normals' are 'wrong-thinking'.
The lunatics (the normals) have indeed taken over the asylum.
It is claimed that there is a fine line between genius and insanity, but
you will notice the existence of such a line is only claimed by those
who are neither genius nor insane.
At least these days 'we' mostly do not get locked up ... all praise
'care in the community' ... I am in the community and neither I, nor the
community, cares. Result!
Hey !......

It ain't my group ! I'm not in charge of anything here.

Welcome to the thread....

(I don't know much about this usenet stuff or 'netiquette' so if i upset
someone...... oops !)

Thanks for the answer....

sounds to me like we're up shit creek without the proverbial tho'.....

cos they're the bastards with the guns-n-bombs-n-stuff !

Damn ! eh ?


I'm probably not completely sane !
Gianna Stefani
2005-02-14 18:33:53 UTC
Post by Mad Mac
Hey !......
It ain't my group ! I'm not in charge of anything here.
Welcome to the thread....
Why thank you.
Post by Mad Mac
(I don't know much about this usenet stuff or 'netiquette' so if i upset
someone...... oops !)
Nobody ever sees me upset ... by then their eyes are closed (cough LOL).
Post by Mad Mac
Thanks for the answer....
sounds to me like we're up shit creek without the proverbial tho'.....
cos they're the bastards with the guns-n-bombs-n-stuff !
Damn ! eh ?
Well yes, they have their toys, but like the mythical Tommy, they are
also deaf, dumb and blind.
Gianna Stefani
Mad Mac
2005-02-14 19:26:06 UTC
Post by Gianna Stefani
Post by Mad Mac
Hey !......
It ain't my group ! I'm not in charge of anything here.
Welcome to the thread....
Why thank you.
Post by Mad Mac
(I don't know much about this usenet stuff or 'netiquette' so if i
upset someone...... oops !)
Nobody ever sees me upset ... by then their eyes are closed (cough LOL).
Post by Mad Mac
Thanks for the answer....
sounds to me like we're up shit creek without the proverbial
cos they're the bastards with the guns-n-bombs-n-stuff !
Damn ! eh ?
Well yes, they have their toys, but like the mythical Tommy, they are
also deaf, dumb and blind.

frankly, they scare the cr*p out of me.

I'm probably not completely sane !
Gianna Stefani
2005-02-14 19:41:13 UTC
Post by Mad Mac
frankly, they scare the cr*p out of me.
I never worry about anything that I cannot control, or at least
influence significantly, because there is no benefit.

Worrying, or being scared, makes me feel bad ... I decline the
opportunity to let 'them' affect my happiness.
Gianna Stefani
Mad Mac
2005-02-14 19:58:30 UTC
Post by Gianna Stefani
Post by Mad Mac
frankly, they scare the cr*p out of me.
I never worry about anything that I cannot control, or at least
influence significantly, because there is no benefit.
Worrying, or being scared, makes me feel bad ... I decline the
opportunity to let 'them' affect my happiness.
Good idea.
Something for me to work on.

I'm probably not completely sane !